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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectDhuuston's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=84343&mesg_id=84366
84366, Dhuuston's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

First Letter Home
Added Thu Nov 30 23:56:54 2023 at level 23:

Dearest Faelyn,

My sincerest apologies for not writing sooner. After the incident in Darsylon
in Darsylon, my parents forbade me from returning to the temple to check on
your recovery, but I knew you were in good hands. I simply had to escape my
parents' classism and knew you would take some time to heal. I thought now as
good a time as ever to write.

I have decided to dedicate myself to becoming a Champion of the Templars
guild, so in future incidents such as what happened to you, I'm capable of
doing more than standing by feeling helpless to intervene. I've had to deal
with my internal struggles of fear and hesitance to act, something I continue
to work on each day.

I met a new friend who taught me about a wonderful lady by the name of
Azorinne, to whom I spent many days in prayer studying and seeking guidance.
She blessed me with her presence last eve and empowered me to go forth and
continue being a champion for those who can't speak or act for themselves, due
to fear or any of other plethora of reasons. Beyond just that, be a beacon of
light for all, not just those already pure of heart and intention. I'll admit
the nervousness is still something I am working on overcoming. I was awe
stricken in her presence at first and had trouble finding the words to express
my thoughts and feelings to Lady Azorinne. I felt sheepish at times when
silence held my tongue but I was thankful for my Acolyte brother Vartin who
seemed to help guide me in the right direction.

Look at me rambling. It seems so easy when I can be so candid with you,
Faelyn. I hope to return to the Vale soon to check on your recovery, as I do
miss you so. In the meantime, I must continue my studies and prepare to make a
vow to Azorinne, though I'm certain in my heart what it shall be.

Fare thee well and mercy save you.