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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectBoarkuun's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=84185&mesg_id=84204
84204, Boarkuun's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

What is the....?
Added Mon Feb 12 17:28:06 2024 at level 45:

*Strength* The application of power against another being
or anything within any part of the Planes. It is the action
of exerting your Will against another.

*Hexagons* Boarkuun believes that the Cycle is not a circle
like most Thar Erisans believe, instead it is a Hexagon.
Why? Because first Hexagon is one of the most powerful shapes
in Nature. It is perfect in its structure, orderly, and
organized. Ask any wasp, bee, or even nightwalker, as nightwalker
nest and function in the Shadow Plane with Hexagon shapes.
Thus the Cycle is not a Circle, but a Hexagon, and the sides
and the Cycle tends to stay at rest UNLESS Strength is applied
enough to push the Hexagon to the next part of the Cycle. i.e.
a living being doesn't want to die, thus it stays on the Cycle
of living until Strength is applied enough to overwhelm
its own Strength, then its Hexagon is turned one side. That
is really how Nature works, not how Thar Erisans see it.

*Process* Processing is the act of using Strength against
a Hexagon and turning it. It is the primary act of all of
Nature. When someone is "Processed" their Strength was not
enough to rival the Strength applied, and their state changes
and thus at the end of it is a kind of Evolution. Be it
forever destruction, reincarnation, learning, or growth.
Know that the Process affects both Hexagons (Turner and
Turnee) to different spots in their life. To reproduce
requires Strength. To grow, requires Strength.

*Nature* Thar Erisans hold a very core misconception of
Nature and what it encompasses. It is foolishness to believe
tiny little fleshy beings of only one Plane (Theran)
can, should, have the Strength, and are chosen, to be protectors
of all of Nature. It is further tomfullery to believe that
Nature itself NEEDS protection. She encompasses all, every
Plane from the Shadow Plane to Theran Plane, to Elemental
Planes, to the Astral Plane. She is all of it. Furthermore
she is not weak in any way. She is the most powerful (and
to be added, RUTHLESS being in existence). She does not
care about anything but Strength and she rewards Strength
with Evolution. A furthering of your own self through
the Process is rewarded by Nature. The idea that Nature
cannot protect herself is laughable to Boarkuun.