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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAraristara's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=83904&mesg_id=83924
83924, Araristara's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The illusion shattered
Added Wed Jan 24 14:57:00 2024 at level 1:

Something was not right, her mother was suppose to meet her half an hour ago
for dinner. Mother was never late, and how dare she keep her from such a
wonderful meal waiting for them! Upset and annoyed, Araristara puffed out her
cheeks and stomped across the floor to the staircase making her way towards
her mothers suite. As Araristara started to ascend the stairs, she was shoved
aside by some unknown pompous Lord rushing down the stairs. His hair was a
mess and he appeared to be half dressed, though what caught Araristaras
attention was the claw marks across his face as if he had been scratched.

Glaring at this fool for daring to bump into her, the nerve! And not even an
excuse me or by your leave! She would have to talk to her mother about having
this man flogged for his insult, or at least buy her some lavish gift as an
apology. Calming herself for a moment, she then continued up the stairs until
she was hit by the strong iron smell in the air. Looking towards the door,
thick dark blood was slowly starting to creep out the door of her mothers
suite. Fear gripped her stomach as her mother would never leave her suite
open as such, much less allowing such a mess upon the floor. Running to the
door she peered into a room which appeared to have been ruined in a rage.
Furniture was torn asunder and many of her mothers fine things were shattered
and broken across the room.

Though while such things were often the focus of her attention, it was not to
be this time. As her gaze passed across her mothers bed, she could see that
there was a battered lump there upon the sheets covered in blood. A mutulated
mass that to the eye would not be able to tell whom or what it was, but
Araristara knew it to be her mother. A wailing scream like a banshee escaped
her lips the likes none have heard within the establishment, as she feel to
her knees at the side of her mothers bed.

Still mother was still warm to the touch, yet the vacant gaze had set into
her eyes as there was no sign of life. Araristara did not know how long she
sat there by the side of her mothers bed, though she does remember being
escorted out by the staff at some point as chaos erupted all around her.
While many thought she was in shock over her mothers death, that was only a
small part of it. What they did not know was Araristara was more worried
about what was going to happen to HER. Who now would give her everything she
deserved in life?