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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectErorm's Role Chapter 14
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=82013&mesg_id=82046
82046, Erorm's Role Chapter 14
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 14

Added Sun Sep 17 12:40:20 2023 at level 51:

Ah, havin' ah chinwag wit Bazz, tha elder prophet O' tha light, that bein' ah
pivotal moment in me journey. It elped me be seein' things in ah new light.
A've been avin' ah bit O' time fer reflection, ahn it avin' changed me fer
tha better, no doubt about it.

Bazz, he bein' ah wise old soul. Es words, like beacons in tha depths, they
cast ah glow on tha path A've been treadin'. He elped me realize that me
pursuit O' titles ahn recognition, it ain't tha heart O' tha matter. What
truly countin' bein' servin' tha greater ideals, upholdin' tha light's
virtues, ahn walkin' tha path O' Purity.

Bazz's words, they done changed me perspective, Ah no longer yearn fer
recognition but focus on me duty and me commitment to tha light, me comrades
an tha Jaguar. Me heart feels lighter, and me steps abe surer on this ere'
path. A've emerged frem this encounter wit' Bazz as a better Dwarf, one be
understandin' tha true essence O' servitude ter tha light.

Me journey through Galadon's streets as ah young lad, defendin' tha
vulnerable, were ah reflection O' me desire ter be recognized as ah protector
ahn guardian. Ah used ter think that tha recognition Ah sought would complete
meh, that evil would finally know Ah bein' ah force ter be reckoned with. But
now, Ah understand that recognition ain't tha true measure O' one's worth. It
bein' tha commitment ter tha greater ideals, tha unwavering dedication ter
tha light's virtues, ter tha Jaguar ahn me Fortress, tha' bein wha define who
ah am.

Me fortitude fer me faith ahn path bein' now brighter ahn stronger den ever
because O' this. Ah've let go O' tha need fer recognition ahn instead focus
fully on me unwavering commitment ter tha light and ter tha Jaguar. er'
divine guidance be me North Star, ahn Ah follow it with unwavering faith,
knowing tha' in serving tha light's virtues, Ah servin' er' as well. Me
journey continues with renewed purpose, ahn Ah walk tha path with me heart
aflame with faith en tha greater ideals ahn in Lady Baerinika who stands as
ah spear against evil ahn leadin me. Tha path, it bein' one O' servitude ahn
faith, ahn Ah've nevri been mere steadfast in me beliefs.