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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectErorm's Role Chapter 13
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=82013&mesg_id=82045
82045, Erorm's Role Chapter 13
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 13

Clingin' to Me Mama's Beard
Added Sat Sep 16 15:03:01 2023 at level 51:

Ah, yer see, it ain't jes tha frustration O' watchin' others ascend while Ah,
ah Squire with meh fair share O' knowledge, tactics, and victories, linger in
me current rank. Ah were sure that Lady Baerinika had finally noticed all
A've been doin', ahn Ah thought Ah were bout ter become tha Marshal. But she
gave tha mantle ter Gochon. It left me wonderin' ifn' she deemed me na
virtuous enough, testin' meh er perhaps even disregardin' meh fer na bein'

Aye, it stings all tha more. Gochon, who now bears tha mantle O' Marshal, had
but one criticism O' me tha Ah were too generous. Yet, during tha entire
time Ah knew em, Ah provided em wit hundreds O' gold coins ahn armors, savin'
es life many times, ahn he always thanked meh fer me the elp. It makin' me
wonder, it truly do. After all O' it, even on tha day when Ah managed ter
vanquish near seven enemies, Ah wasn't even recognized as ah Maran. Ah still
remain ah Squire.

Ah know it ain't right ter think this way, but these doubts gnaw at me like
ah relentless hound. Tha path O' virtue ahn service ter tha light ahn Lady
Baerinika should na be walked fer tha sake O' recognition er titles, but fer
tha greater ideals tha guide us. Yet, tha ember O' ambition smolders within
me, ahn it bein' hard ter extinguish.

This burden, it bein' ah heavy one, weighin' upon meh like ah boulder en meh
heart. Ah be feelin' very much alone on this ere' journey now, distant from
meh comrades. Ah prefer ter keep meself apart mere than before, ponderin'
upon what deeds ahn virtues be missin' from me... It bein' ah solitude born
O' self-reflection.

Me spirit remains resolute, but me path be shrouded en uncertainty, gnawin'
at meh like ah ravenous beast. Yet, as Ah tread this lonesome road, Ah hope
ter emerge stronger ahn mere worthy O' tha light.

Aye, it weighs on me heart even more, fer A've na only shared me knowledge
ahn wisdom with many O' tha Marans, but A've also taken on tha role O' a
mentor ter many in tha past, teachin' and guidin' 'em through tha intricacies
O' our guild. Me efforts ave been dedicated ter strengthenin' tha Fortress,
ensurin' that er champions bein' well-prepared ter face tha darkness
threatenin' our world.

Yet, when tha shadows O' doubt crept 'round me, ahn tha time came fer me ter
be defended, it felt as though Ah stood alone, without tha support O' those
Ah had aided ahn mentored. Tha generosity A've shown en sharin' me tactics,
me wisdom, ahn me unwaverin' commitment seemed ter fade inter obscurity when
Ah needed 'em most.

This ere' solitude, this sense O' bein' overlooked despite meh tireless
efforts, it bein' leavin' me feelin' na just sad ahn lonely, but also
undervalued ahn unheard. Ahn as Ah bear tha weight O' these emotions, Ah
remain committed ter tha path A've chosen, clingin' ter tha ideals O' Lady
Baerinika ahn tha Paladin's code, like Ah were clingin' ter me mama's beard.