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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectThraldin's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=80779&mesg_id=80799
80799, Thraldin's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

A New Path
Added Thu Sep 28 07:55:52 2023 at level 35:

Weeks had passed since the Scions' attack. Thraldrin had taken to the
mountains with a handful of survivors. Each night he was haunted by visions of
his sons' deaths. His dreams echoed with the screams of the dying. But he
pressed on, determined to keep his oath.

He had heard whispers of a group dedicated to destroying magic - the
BattleRagers. Tracking them down would not be easy, but if anyone could help
Thraldrin gain revenge, it was them. So he searched, chasing every rumor and

After months of seeking, he found himself in a rundown tavern on the outskirts
of a Galadon. Nursing an ale, he listened to the conversations around him.
Talk eventually turned to tales of "witch hunters" seen passing nearby.

Thraldrin's heart raced. This could be his chance. He approached the men
talking and casually brought up the witch hunters. Where were they headed? Did
they often come through these parts? He hid his eagerness, not wanting to
scare them off.

Eventually he learned enough. The BattleRagers did pass near here at times,
staying in an isolated village to the south of the great road. Gathering his
few possessions, Thraldrin set off at first light. He had a smith named Tahren
to find.

The road was long, but Thraldrin's dwarven endurance served him well. And he
walked it with new purpose. When he arrived at the village walls, a spark of
hope ignited within him.

Thraldrin found Tahren at his forge, recounted his tale, and showed the
magical rune etched upon his palm - a gift from one of the Scions' robed
lackeys. Tahren listened closely, then nodded.

"Aye, I've heard of these Scions. Foul magic indeed. If you wish to join us
and pledge to end their wickedness, I'll sponsor you as a recruit."

Joy and anticipation warred with grief and anger within Thraldrin at those
words. This was the path. Here he could train and gain the skills needed to
avenge his lost sons and village.

Gripping Tahren's arm, he swore his oath to end magic's evil. He would walk
this new path without hesitation. The BattleRagers would help him keep his
promise. The Scions would pay.