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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectMerthoc's Role Chapter 7
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=79775&mesg_id=79799
79799, Merthoc's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Potential, Realized.
Added Tue Apr 11 20:05:35 2023 at level 51:

Merthoc had achieved all of her goals slightly further ahead of schedule than
she had imagined and now found herself reaching new levels of joy and
accomplishment that she had not known existed. She was happy a LOT and VERY
MUCH all of the time but this sense of goal accomplishment settled deep into
her bones and set her dancing at a more frantic pace. It was swiftly reaching
the point where she could barely contain herself within her skin.

The Party had deemed her worthy of secret self-actualization: the realization
that one need not judge themselves against arbitrary structures of needs and
achievement but rather reflect on their feelings and needs on a continuous
basis, assigning priority as needed given the moment. This was, of course, not
secret self-actualization and just normal maturity but The Party found it
easier to explain it to Merthoc this way as she was currently drowning in a
flaming shot luge of her own design.

Now that she had gained the ability to start a party completely on her own,
she decided to start really planning a hullabaloo. Just the grandest affair
that could be found. Something that would allow The Party itself to permeate
the scene and drive everyone to having the best time available, driven purely
through her connection The Party. To achieve this, she had begun microdosing
all of the drinks she served with spores and venom from the mandible she
carried. (This was what made it purple, you see. Merthoc didn't. She just
liked purple.)

So by getting everyone on the macrodose caravan at the party, she could set
about to having a REALLY good time.