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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAryze's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=7890&mesg_id=7905
7905, Aryze's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

Aryze Amakiir
Added Wed Sep 7 13:38:10 2005 at level 2:

Perhaps I should introduce myself. I am Aryze Amakiir, daughter of Aust and
Vera Amakiir. I have one twin brother, Aerandir. I was born in the
wilderness, for both of my parents thought that was the safest place after
the ran away from the clutches of the empire, who kept them as slaves and
workers. My parents met each other as slaves, and had to work hard, but when
the slave drivers were not looking, they devised a plan to escape. They took
the first available moment to run off and live out in the wilds, for it was
much more difficult to track those who live in the wilds than in the city.
Besides, neither of my parents much liked civilization after what the empire
did to their homes.

My parents, being the first runaway slaves, known(I am sure there have been
others, but I am also sure that the empire likes to keep those things quiet),
instigated a rebellion.They started off slowly, and only freed one or two
slaves at a time, even while they took care of my brother and I. When we
both grew old enough, we aided our parents and the other slaves, for both of
us were disgusted at the empire for taking control of the people. People
should be free, and not restricted to following the rules of the Empire, or
the Spire.

In any case, the rebellion was doing decently. Our family and the other
escapees were happy just to hear one slave freed in a week, but we were doing
better than that. We knew to free all the slaves, it would take a large
amount of work, but we all wanted to help others in their plight, for slavery
is a very cruel practice. In any case, my family's last break away failed.

Seeing that we had freed many hundreds of slaves this time, my family decided
that we were strong enough to storm the small arm of the Empire, where they
kept only a few dozen slavers, and maybe twice the slaves. Our goal was to
free the slaves, and, if given the chance, slay the slavers. It was suffice
to say that the Empire knew our plans(we had a traitor in our midst!) and
sent back up to this arm, and when we came, they killed the slaves, and the
ones that they could, like myself and my brother, they knocked out and

I am not sure what happened to most of the runaways, but my guess is that
most of them were either killed, or were forced to become slaves again. All
I know is that I woke up in a very dark dungeon, behind bars, with about
dozen or so others, including my brother. None of us had any idea what was
in store for us, but we found out very quickly.

The Empire sent people to come down and torture us, one by one for
information. Most, finally fell to the torture and spoke about the plans.
They were taken away. Killed, I presumed, for the Empire had no use for
them. My brother and I, stayed silent, and after a year or so of daily
torture, they stopped coming. Gave up, I expect, and decided that we would
just die from hunger. What they did not know, was that my brother was a
healer, and was able to create food and water, with nothing. But even still,
it was dark, long days afterwards. Everyday, I thought I would want to die,
but my brother and my intuition reassured me that things will change. I
would not have to live behind bars for the rest of my life. So, I lived,
until we were able to break the locks one day, and leave