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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectVallenean's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=75931&mesg_id=75944
75944, Vallenean's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Added Mon May 30 20:12:40 2022 at level 21:

With the last reported sign of Vallenean Le'Aveleer being a trail of a woman's
extravagant ball outfit, gloves, jewelry, stockings, and extremely tasteful
(if a little gauche for a new trend) bright blue shoes leading into the wilds.

Born to an adventurous duo of renowned bards, the young girl's life as she
knew it was to come to a crashing end by the betrayal of a dear family friend,
a mage who lusted for power, and who saw the one thing
standing between him and his goals to be Vallenean's father.

Entrusted in safety to a group of elite hunters, the child was raised on the
wide open savanna, far from the conspiracies that had brought around the
untimely end of her father. She was taught to utilize her hatred for mages by
delivering unceasing, unyielding aggression in both pursuit and attack. Like
running down a rabbit or an elk, she too could repeatedly engage, strike, and
vanish when facing magical opponents. They would drop from exhaustion and she
could finally move in her for her kill.

Every moment as she watched the grass shiver across the plains, she saw the
face of the person who had betrayed her family.

Luckily, it turns out her father had faked his own death and, in a brave show
of gallantry in the early third act, rescued his wife, restored his honor and
wealth, and cut down his betrayer. Slightly less luckily, this left Vallenean
back at home in their lavish Arkham mansion, without a target for her

Terrible at singing and not really interested in picking up a new hobby, she
told her parents she was going to head out into the wilds and hunt mages since
"really she was just going to do that anyway". She had seen the huts of the
Village and was enamored with making one her own.

After an extremely lavish ball in honor of her departure to the Academy,
Vallenean has not been seen again.

Her mother expressed little concern, mentioning that she would see her soon as
it was "nana's birthday" in two weeks. Soft brunch plans had also been set.