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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectKikaraen's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=75743&mesg_id=75762
75762, Kikaraen's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Added Sat Oct 22 18:39:18 2022 at level 35:

Kikaraen was born into a Wood-elf kindred in the western marshes of Thera.
The Nymraif Kindred. They are not a large kindred, perhaps numbering close to
three hundred. They live in harmony with the wilds. Their home is crafted
within the trees in an island deep in the swamp. High up in these ancient
trees they live, branches trained to provide shelter and protection from the
elements. Long have these Wood-elves lived, long before the destruction of
the Sylvan warders. They live a simple life, teaching their young the ways
of the wilds, studying the spirits and elements that sustain all life. They
worship the Ancient primeval Gods, and live under the teachings of Thar-eris.
only with Thar-eris can the world be free to thrive, and at peace.Each
Wood-elf is nurtured in their teachings, and strengthened in a way that would
bring the best out of them. Some are healers, able to sustain life, some a
best at gathering knowledge, and teaching others the ways of the wilds.
Others are skilled hunters, able to travel lands far and wide, bringing death
to those defilers that would harm the lands. It is tradition among the tribe
that the Elders pick one such individual that excels in all manner of
woodland lore, one that would go forth, and leave the Kindred, and join the
Refuge of Thar-eris. The honor bestowed upon this individual knows no
bounds, and they dedicate their live to the cause, knowing that the full
weight of their Kindred is behind them.They strive to make the world
better, and join the Refuge in its fight against the tyranny of Civilization.
Kikaraen is one such person. Chosen by his elders to travel forth, and
represent his kindred. He had shown promise from a young age, excelling in
all aspects of ranger craft, his skill, and willing to learn, empathy and
respect shown to others.
Kikaraen has proven himself, and gained a branch as a Sentinal of Thar-eris
Now begins his true test, the test of his spirit and his dedication.
Kikaraen will now prove he is a valuable member of the Refuge, one that can
teach others the ways of Thar-eris and also bring death to those that would
defile and bring destruction to the natural balance.