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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectDaressumli's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=75608&mesg_id=75628
75628, Daressumli's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

A flame ignited, storms destructive ire focused pt 2
Added Sat Nov 12 11:04:20 2022 at level 34:

It has been many years since that fateful day, I wasn't young then, nor am I
younger today. I had a full life, a good life, and like a wave crashing down on
a ship, it was broken apart in an instant. I was stagnant for a long time, drowning
myself in dwarven tar, or dark ale some call it. All I did was sit in a shadowed
corner in Habib's tavern, drowning my sorrows in a stein, wasting away with the coin
I had made. Every last copper spent and eventually kicked out on the street. I had
became a drunkard, and while being a dwarf that may seem natural, it isn't normal
for a dwarf to be an alcoholic. Sure we drink a lot, but that's a way of life.
I on the other hand could no longer quench my thirst with water, I couldn't live
without having ale in my belly, If I didn't have a swig for too long, I got violent
I got angry, even holed up in the Hamsah Jails for beating on others black and blue.
I had nothing to live for as ale and anger were the only two things living in
my heart.

I was always a child full of anger, back when I lived in Akan. Even then I was
a problem for the village, beating up other kids, always getting into fights and
causing trouble. I only had me Ma growing up, and I was a handful till the point
I was kicked out of the village to grow up when I was but a teen. I roamed the
world a bit, until I found her, my wife. She calmed the storm within me, she kept
me from my anger, my rage, almost from the moment I laid eyes upon her. I made great
strides to being a decent dwarf. Making the life I had before that day. The forge's
fires were calmed, and only embers as my life with her grew, but now she, and
my kids are gone, and the ale could not keep the coals smothered, the fires in my
heart began to once again burn hotter and angrier. I set out to hone my skills and
fight for a cause that was missing from that day. Something that has been passed down
in dwarven history for thousands of years. The great dwarves of the BattleRagers.
If they were there that day, if they had shown up to fight, would they have been
able to stop it? Would my wife and kids still be alive? An answer I did not know
but I now knew where I'd stoke the fires of my ire and what I hated more than
anything, which were the mortals of Thera who possess such unnatural powers that
can destroy cities and lives in an instant.

I took up my hammers and began my journey, an mature dwarf who now has shape to
his rage, like a finely forged blade. My storm, like the seas, will be of ire and
destruction, till either all magi are gone and magic be done for, or I die trying.