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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectFeldscren's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=70004&mesg_id=70023
70023, Feldscren's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Magic's no good! Just ask dem trees!
Added Mon Dec 7 21:13:14 2020 at level 1:

"Now ya listen to me boy, that sort of stuff is no good! It hurts
everything around, bringing death to life that should not be." the old
woodsman quiped as he dug a finger into Feldscren's chest.

"Them mages don't care much about how they handle stealing from
around them for the power. Look at those who make the dead walk
again and the others who would tarnish the land." the ranger spat.

"You must never give into its use boy. It will make you weaker then a
drowning rat with no feet!" he continued.

This is how the day usually started ever since the orphanaged burned
down and Feldscren came into learning from the ranger. The old man
showed Feldscren how to live off the land, how to be one with it, to see
the nurturing side and the fierce side of it all. And always with how
magic often devestates it. From mages creating unnatural winds, to
glacial weather, to creating fire to burn it all. And some even learned to
control the weather. All of it upsetting the natural way of the world.

Each day this lesson was hammered into him. Each day the young arial
came to understand how truly bad magic affected everything. He swore
he would never use it and would try to find a way to stop it. Perhaps it
was magic that seperated he and Grombie. He had not seen him since
the fire. He missed his best friend.