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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectBaena's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=65892&mesg_id=65911
65911, Baena's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Brief History
Added Sun Dec 1 15:44:41 2019 at level 1:

Why does Baena believe as she does? She was a slave. Not a brutal dig-ditch-until-
you-die type of slave, but more a house slave. Everyone around her was incompetent
to exist on their own. The needed to be fed, to be dressed, to be taken to the
shitter. Everything. It sickened her and she swore, if ever she gained
her freedom, she would be the opposite of those she had served. And sure enough,
that day came. A simple matter - the death of the patriarch and internal family
fighting eventually devolved into chaos and the slaves were released to fight
for one brother. The slaves turned on that brother and his small force, and
simply ran through Aran'Gird, and eventually into the underdark. Days later Baena
found her way to a hole where the (unpleasant) sun shone, eventually making her way to
Galadon. Seeking to become her ideal self, she found the warrior guild and
the first day of her new life began.

Finally her pride in herself should not in any way be seen as benign or
virtuous. She smiles when she kills, she is delighted to hurt or maim and can
derive pleasure from it. But it must be done right - done according to her view
of how to conduct yourself. Kill a baby? Fine. Use a wand to kill a baby? Damn not.
Likewise wealth. She wants to roll in gold and have all the best things. But
again, the manner of obtaining matters.

Addendum: exploration and challenges are fine. Motive matters. Asking someone to
come with you to help you kill a dragon for an item you know the dragon has? No.
Joining and being part of a group to go kill a dragon? Ok. She needs to explore the
world to know where she can test herself, over and over, as she grows. She is not
a fool. Judgment matters, and she understands the difference.