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Topic subjectCrerigord's Role Chapter 16
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650, Crerigord's Role Chapter 16
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 16

Found my own freedom
Added Thu Jan 8 18:33:30 2004 at level 29:

Ive been wandering the woods for many years now... mostly alone.. Few
understanding why I wander there.. They ask where do you wander when you
travel in them? why do you avoid the cities...some easier to answer than

The answer to why, is a simple one. Freedom of spirit and mind. Not being
bound by the law or rather people there. I am not a sheep to be lead about in
a corall... I am one. Not many. I am infact my own person of my own

The where, is much easier. I travel where I feel free. Where my feet lead me.
Where the food lies. Where I may find shiny trinkets that might peek my

Now as I travelled not long ago, a whispering wind spoke to me. Asked me
things of the grove of the sylvan. Asked many things it should not have
known.... Starteled me at first.. yet comforted me with his words later.

The thing that has changed is one person, that has had more impact in my life
than most folk have. Voronil a grand druid. We spoke much of freedom,
personal freedom. He spoke to an imp that wanted anarchy that sought perhaps
to teach freedom to others. To show them a way perhaps. Voronil could not
tell for shure. I sort of doubt the imp would tell much. As I belive freedom
is something you acchive on your own. Being free is but a state of mind. Not
something you can be shown like a skill. Its a way of life. Its not to be a
sheep, to fight for something your heart desieres.

Perhaps I to can find true freedom, or must I change my ways more so. A start
was leaving the city I think. The next my realization of whom I am, and
perhaps more what I am. The next step is maybe to change my being.