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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectGebble's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=64483&mesg_id=64499
64499, Gebble's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Creating a fiery Mini-Monster
Added Mon Dec 2 09:06:20 2019 at level 1:

-Gebble was a typical goblin growing up. He cowered and begged regularly in
the grinning skull village to get by.

-He was sent with a raiding party of six orcs and fifteen goblins to the
goblin outpost to gather new recruits/slaves for the grinning skull village.

-Once their the orcs were told of a strong gnome caravan heading through the
area on the way to Hillcrest. They decided to attack this caravan.

-Gebble was in chains at the time of the actual raid because in a confusing
and drunken lustfest he accidentally raped the lead raider in his tent.
Because of this no matter what happens Gebble knows better than to return to
the goblin outpost or Grinning Skull Village as his death warrant was sealed
with this action.

-Not knowing the power of artificers and enchanters, the raiding party raided
right into a trap and were slaughtered in full. Except one goblin, who was in
chains at the time.

-Gebble became a guinea pig of gnomish sorcery and artificing after his
capture. He developed an even deeper, primal hatred of gnomes during this
time of captivity. The gnomes kept him as a sort of oddity, a joke really.
The potions they forced into him changed him physically and mentally. Perhaps
he is wiser? More cunning? More dangerous or bloodthirsty? Simply a bit

-At times that they pushed the testing too far, there was always a healer on
hand to correct these mistakes and push Gebble back into a state of life.
Gebble loathed this, he wanted to die. He was a caged animal in the hands of
his most hated thing. Gnomes. Gebble paid close attention to both the
unguents used by the healer for simple flesh wounds, and the magics used by
the gnomes for his torments.

-Gebble wished beyond wish that he could summon his own magic to destroy the
gnomes. He coveted their power over him, he prayed daily and swore his soul
to any who would release him and let him exact his revenge. He mostly sat
silently and waited.

-It was during one of these times of prayer and waiting that Gebble looked at
himself. Goblins were never attractive creatures to begin with, but he was a
freak. He has bright red skin, and a tuft of bright orange hair. He has
scales in patches across his body, and he shakes uncontrollably at the
thought of magic. What a loathsome creature! Worthless! Completely dejected!
He prayed once again for release. Rotwang was supposedly the the god of rage
and frustration, why couldn't he hear his child!? Just at the apex of his
frustrating call to the heavens, the doors burst in. It was all over before
it even began. A great fire giant physically batted aside the shards of ice
thrown at him and laughed as his mighty axe cleaved down on the gnome mage,
splurshing him completely into the wooden floor. The giant looked at Gebble
for a moment, who rabidly struck the side of his cage with his full body
towards the giant. The giant bellowed with laughter, swatting the cage with