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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectCrerigord's Role Chapter 10
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644, Crerigord's Role Chapter 10
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 10

life in outlanders.
Added Sat Feb 21 13:13:43 2004 at level 51:

Having lived alone in most of my life, out in the wilds, I have finally found
some like minded folk, though not goodly all of them, but Id prefer their
company any day as long as they do not do any dark deeds when I am about. As
well as having been alone fighting has brought me the attention of One Imp
that I dare not speak its name to often has his soul to is dark, but he has
taken his liking of how I fight my fights, and named me one of his chosen. As
well as this A new refuge for the souls that have similar ideas on what
plagues the lands this brought the attention of Amaranthe the Lady of the
harvest moon. Her teachings has meant alot to me, since my own Lord has not
answered any of my prayers the two last decades. This last thing has brought
me much sorrow. My quest of learning of the great worm I so admire is almost
given up.

With the attention of the Lady of the Harvest moon so has also the warning
come that I must not sway further towards the dark path or I will loose focus
of the self I now have. I must aggrea in this, that my fight against the pox
of civilization has perhaps made my heart darker especially with the fight I
always stand against. Though I have started to remedy this with lessening my
actions with one dark soul that I consider a great ally. And in that I seek
now to help younger souls, and using the time with them to teach them some of
ever so slightly.

The Lady Amaranthe has also tought me much. Especially of the view of magic.
My view of the world is much the same, though some has changed. I have also
found even one more way to free me from the civilization, the relenquishment
of coins. Perhaps even more teachings will be given to me.

Concerning the Imp, we have talked slightly, he seems quite unconcerned about
my actions but has noticed that my ways have become ever more chaotic.
Something id not disagrea upon. As it has been changing for many years. He
did also make me apart of the Outlanders even though Amaranthe thought I
should spend more time in the wilds. Id not aggrea to this normally, but I do
not think I have spent to little time in the wilds. My fights and gathering
of things I have needed to survive have brought me into the more civilized
areas but it has not come at the cost of my knowlage of the wilds.