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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectVokrem's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=64309&mesg_id=64324
64324, Vokrem's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The Never-ending Errand
Added Sun Aug 30 14:33:38 2015 at level 46:

It wasn't long before our little Orcling followed the signs and found
himself upon "The Academy."

"Dis weird place." Vokrem thought to himself peering around the hallowed
halls before him.

"Where da muck in da ground if Vok get thirsty?" He said to the attendant
who was busy welcoming young students to The Academy.

"There are several fountains that can be found here. Feel free to drink
from them." She replied quite politely, but unable to hold back a
disgusted grimace at the thought.

This idea of clean drinking water was a completely new concept to our
young brute, but one he supposed he would just have to get used to.

After some time smashing this thing and that, Vokrem came upon a man
named Simon who needed a favor. Feeling quite lost in this place, Vokrem
took this as an opportunity to learn the lay of the land a bit, so he

Errand after errand after errand it went on and on.

"Damn dis. Why Vok had tuh get himself into dis mess." Vokrem thought as
he began to grow tired and angry of this endless task.

Finally after countless journeys through Galadon, Hamsah, Arkham,
Volarian City, Tir Talath, and even the Halfling Lands Vok handed over
the last errand and the recipient asked nothing more of him. He was free
at last!

"Now can find more stuff fer da bashin!" Vok said to himself as an evil
grin grew on him from ear to ear. Happy to be through with this chore,
Vok knew in his heart that this task had given him an invaluable look
around the world which would soon be coming in handy as his travels about
Thera begun. This new confidence brought Vokrem a great sense of pride
and the courage to move forward to whatever would be coming next.