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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectRalshamar's Role Chapter 7
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=63993&mesg_id=64013
64013, Ralshamar's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Musings on the profane.
Added Thu Oct 3 17:50:14 2019 at level 51:

The profane are numerous, but I must never forget that no matter how blind
they may be all have the potential to be taught to see the Father's truth.
To that end I have been taking note of those that are of immediate interest
to me.

The first, the thief from the Spire, Vae. She is aware of my nature and yet
offers gifts and aide. Naturally all gifts must be refused, as a gift from
the profane is no gift at all, and the man who needs aide from such a
creature is weak in both body and will. Yet I am unable to yet determine
whether the source of these offers is a truely startling level of blindness
even for one of the profane or the beginnings of discontent with her
current position. If it is the former: regretable, but not surprising. If
it is the latter, perhaps she can yet walk out from the fog of illusion in
good time. This will require further investigation.

The latter is a far more interesting possibility. The imperial slave Zaol
at first sight seemed entirely feckless to my gaze. A dangerous opponent,
perhaps. But all together dull of mind and easily lead by the chains which
bind him. However, I did witness something there. The casual disregard for
his so called law while seeking my death was perhaps quite costly for me,
but could be the beginnings of freedom from mediocrity for him. I feel this
one will need to die before he truely begins to see, which will be no
simple task: but one that must be pursued nevertheless. Once he comes to
realise his enslavement does not even offer martial victory, perhaps he can
come to see that it can not even begin to grant spiritual freedom.

We shall see.