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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectSel's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=63841&mesg_id=63860
63860, Sel's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

General background
Added Tue Apr 30 23:06:16 2019 at level 1:

Sel Drevas was born within the Seantryn swamps where he lived a life of
seclusion. Both his parents were killed during by a group of adventurers
leaving him alone as a toddler. He wandered off into the swamps. He lived
there for almost three years surviving off the bountiful swampland. He was
eventually found by a group of Hamsah slavers hoping to find a beast tamer
for the Sultan. They never expected to find a child living within the swamps.

They took him to Hamsah to train him to become a master of taming and
capturing beasts. Even as a small child he fell deeply in love with the
beasts. Finding each new creature more fascinating than the last. Naturally
his love caused him to be too gentle with them. This caused them to be
disobedient which would cause him to suffer relentless torture.

In his mind a simple phrase kept repeating anytime he was forced to punish
his pets. Pain retain...through suffering comes obedience. It is the only
thing that gets him through it. Eventually he came across a beast that just
refused to be tamed. He slaughtered it and wore it's fur. Inside he was
filled with both pain and pleasure. Losing one of his prized pets but
surrounding himself with it's essence thrilled him. He made sure to eat it's
heart and drink a bit of the blood. To absorb some of it's life energy
hopefully to give him strength in taming the next.

This drove him deeper within his obsession seeking to find new and more
exotic creatures. Bringing him to the furthest corners of Thera. Bringing
dragons, swamp cows, crocodiles, Ettercaps, and various shifters if he could
manage. Each time he would bring a shifter he would be tortured for wasting
the Sultan's gold. This habit he simply could not break as they fascinated
him even more. The perfect combination of everlasting beauty. Both beast and
man.....everything he ever wanted but could never have. He lacks the ability
for advanced magic.

Eventually the Sultan couldn't tolerate it anymore and sent an assassin to
kill the young Sel. He felt uneasy as the assassin struck barely to his left.
Causing Sel to flee out to the wilderness. Knowing he couldn't return he left
to live in Galadon but found living among the various races didn't suit him.
The only boon was living so close to shifters though the laws "prevented" him
from grabbing them.