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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectElithranduil's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=62708&mesg_id=62732
62732, Elithranduil's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

A New Home
Added Sun Sep 16 01:06:22 2018 at level 1:

His eyes opened slowly, throbbing and painful, but slowly coming into
focus. He could see tasteful decorations in ivory and gold. It was
something he'd seen before. The standards of the Voralian Order. Slowly,
his senses came back and he pieced together where he was. It was the Hall
of Voralian Templars - colloquially known as the Paladin's guild, of
Voralian City. But why was he here?

As he began to sit up, a gentle but firm hand grasped his shoulder. "Rest
now. We'll talk soon." Obediently, Elithranduil succumbed to the pain
passed out once again.

Awakening many hours later, Elithranduil found himself in dicussion with
several Paladins, including the lady-knight Nicolette. They were curious
of the scars they'd seen on his body and where he'd come from. As it
happens, a good many of them had similar stories of the wicked city of
Udgaard. It was a city full of men well-known to strike out at the most
righteous of souls (Elves included), without hesitation. A lesson many,
Elithranduil included, had learned firsthand.

The paladins asked Elithranduil why he'd chosen such an unwise fight.
Three against one is no small disadvantage, after all. When Elithranduil
explained that he could not stand by as a witness when so many evil men
roamed freely, they nodded in understanding. And while some disapproved
of his choice to battle on the streets, they all admired the courage.

Just as he was growing curious at the interest these holy men were
showing in him, Nicolette stood and spoke firmly. "Well, you have heart
and you've shown courage to do what needs to be done. But right now,
you're more dangerous to yourself than anyone else. What do you say we
teach you how to use that?" As the lady-knight nodded curtly at his
staff, Elithranduil stood dazed and confused. Perhaps his head wasn't as
healed as he'd thought. Did she really just suggest that he begin
training as a Paladin?