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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectJarson's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=62423&mesg_id=62440
62440, Jarson's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Summary (Chapters 1 to 3)
Added Sun Jul 22 20:00:24 2018 at level 1:

Disclaimer: this is for Immortals who do not wish to read a lengthy role or
simply wish a quick reminder.

Summary: Jarson will eventually seek Outlander and may follow Rahsael or
Ergush. He is a extremely socially awkward, quiet and shy. The exception is
when he is in form, he channels the Spirit of whatever form he takes.

Air (major shapefocus) gives him a chance to escape, to be free and is the
only time he feels himself. Offense allows him the channel the suppressed
anger he feels about the world.

Chapter 1: Lizardskin

- Jarson Black was born into a Galadonian noble family with his twin
brother Devin.
- As young children the pair were inseparable and quite adventurous.
- On one such adventure within the Galadon sewers, the pair fell
victim to a wasting disease.
- Devin did not survive and Jarson's skin was left hideously scarred.
- As a result, Jarson was constantly bullied and had no friends.
- He found solace in the wilderness around Galadon, spending many
days feeding and befriending the local birds.
- Unlike his father, a respected Invoker, Jarson chose to become a
Shapeshifter in an attempt to hide his scars.
- As per his fascination with birds, Jarson naturally chose Air
as his major shape focus.

Chapter 2: Rage (to be added when first offense form learned)

- Guild life was rough for Jarson, his isolation made him anti-social
and his scars a pariah. This only caused the bullying to worsen.
- One day, during a sparring duel with a particularly nasty partner,
Jarson snapped. Rage boiled out of him and in a moment of anger, he
chose his minor focus: offense.
- With a cry of anger, he shifted into his new form and charged his
tormentor catching him off guard, out of form and killing him instantly.
As a result Jarson fled Galadon.

Chapter 3: Purpose (to be added when first high flying form learned)

- Jarson had finally learnt his next air form and his dream of reaching
the clouds was real.
- Taking to the sky, Jarson relishes in the freedom, the exhilaration
of being utterly free.
- Looking down from the sky, he sees something that auses his stomach to
causes his stomach to drop out from within him: the land is scarred and
ugly,like Jarson himself, and it is spreading.
- It is in this moment Jarson realises what he needs to do, join Outlander
and stop this plague, before it destroys everything.