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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectNyrka's Role Chapter 7
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=6183&mesg_id=6199
6199, Nyrka's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

The Fight for Freedom
Added Sun Jan 30 00:37:55 2005 at level 1:

A stout duergar stepped into the felar settlement, while a large army amassed
behind him. The army consisted of every dark creature known: dark elves,
fire giants, duergars, even hired orcs from the Grinning Skull.The Felar
villagers kept a watchful eye upon the army and the duergar, apparently
prepared for a battle for their lives.

"Ah, setle'men of Tue Rien, ye haf refused to pay yar taxes. I gi'e ye a
fair warnin. Pay double what yer pay taxes, or ye suffer de cons e' quinces
and die by meh army," the duergar yelled in a loud, bellowing voice.

There was silence among the Felar at first, then one brave Felar took a step
forward. "Mrrww think we bow to yourrr emperrrorrr's rrrrule in
enslavement mrr? We would rrrratherrr die as frrrree Felarrr mrrww. than as
small kittens. Frrrreedom forrrr us and death forrr you. Mrrrww." The felar
stated defiantly.

The duergar sneered and said, "Sos beh it, kil dem all!" The Imperial army
then positioned itself for methodical murder, but the Felar were ready for
the initial attack. Two felar thieves emerge from the shadows, backstabbing
the duergar and paid for their failed attack with their lives. All of those
in the settlement, even children and women, were ready to fight, but they
were vastly outnumbered. The massive army of the Imperials continued to
march forward, leaving naught but destruction in their wake.) Every swing of
a battleaxe meant certain death for a Felar, and every dead Felar was one
less to deal with. The last of the felar, twenty in total, were pressed into
the back of the settlement, pinned to a wall, surrounded by the might of the
Imperial Army. The duergar, still standing despite his wounds, took a step
forward towards the last of the free felar. Bodies of fallen felar littered
the earth, and the salty metal taste of blood hung thick in the air.

"So, do ye surr'nduh to de might of de Imperial Army, or de ye still wantin
ter hold dis foolishness in yer 'earts?" the cruel duergar asked with a
sardonic sneer on his face.

"MmrrrwwFighting for frrrreedom neverrr foolish!" the original male felar
said, hissing and spitting in anger. "We still stand to fight mrrrww!"

"Foolishness dis beh!" The duergar then lifted his axe and all of the sudden
a flash of supernatural light surrounded the duergar. His face began to
contort in agony and he falls to the ground, dead. Behind him, two men
stood, one was dressed in white and the other held a shield emblazoned with
the symbol of a phoenix.

"Ah, Numair, we were too slow I fear.." one man said to the other.

"Not all is lost, friend, let's finish our job so our captain may rest well."
white cloaked man pointed to the Imperial Army. The other nodded

"Let's do it." The two split in opposite directions. One raised his hands,
glowing red with heat and began to fling rings of flame(keeping caution of
the nearby felar, of course) and uttered words of power. His
brother-in-arms, effortlessly swung his sword with lightning quickness and
utilized the razor edge of his shield to slice with quick jabs.The white
cloaked man muttered a few words, and quicksand appeared under the Imperial
Army. Screams of fear from the Imperial rung out, each soldier scrambling
for the clear,but the spell caster nodded slowly, and the