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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectNyrka's Role Chapter 5
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=6183&mesg_id=6197
6197, Nyrka's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Magic and Shurrik
Added Fri Feb 11 20:10:39 2005 at level 11:

I, Nyrka, am one of the Schlade family, born almost 18 years ago in the
village of Tue Rien. Like all my ancestors before me, I, too, bear the mark
of the blazing sun. My father, Azseru, and my mother, Nylra, was the felar
ideal, as what was expected. They gave life to two kittens, my brother,
Shurrik, and I.My brother, being the oldest, was expected to set a good
example for the young, rebellious fela name Nyrka. As all good Schlade do,
he trained to be a strong and fierce warrior ever since he was able to hold a
blade. Years I had to live in his shadow, being told that I would never
match his battle prowess. At the beginning, I accepted that fact. I am a
fela, I do not have to be a fierce warrior. But later, after my twelfth
winter, things changed for the worse.

My brother has always been stern and quiet, but something different arose
within him as the years went by. I knew not what was occurring at first, bit
it made me uncomfortable and suspicious. After the start of the war with the
Imperials, my brother left home for extended lengths of time, never telling
anyone what he was up to. At times I would take a peek at what was in his
room. Books, I found. Books of magic! I, unlike many felar, do not hate
magic. I know that in the wrong hands, it can cause terrible events, but it
is always useful to know how to use magic. All that needs to be taken
account of is the corruption it can lead to. One must be strong to fight the
pervasion and corruption magic creates. Mistakenly, I believed my brother
strong enough to handle the magic. In fact, I helped him hide the fact that
he was studying magic from our parents. Perhaps he can prove the usefulness
of the magic. I can never be more wrong in my life.

Even though my brother never told me where he was going, I trusted him.At
least, I did, until he started fights within the villa with his temper.
After the incident in which a young felar was beaten to near death by my
brother(he was spared because I intervened), I knew I had to take real
action.I knew that every week Shurrik walked in the forest on his own. I
presumed that he was meeting someone. Exploring and living in the woods came
naturally to myself, so I trained to become a ranger. I knew with this
training, I can follow my brother undetected. Months went by and my
thirteenth winter passed. I finally decided to follow my brother. At the
dead of the night, he left and I proceeded to follow him into the dark
forest.Miles he traveled, and I in his shadows. Finally, he came to a
clearing and stopped. Not a moment later, a tall figure in a dark cloak

"Well met, Shurrik." The dark figure's voice was one of a snake. "I have
heard of your accomplishments, but there is much to be done."

"Yessss, Rrrrrobilarrr, of courrrrssse-" my brother started.

"What did I tell you about calling me that? Show some respect to your

"Sorrrry, masssterrr, mrrrw." He fell to the ground. "What isss it do you
wisssh forrr me to do, mrrrrw?"

Master? One of the Schlade bowing down to another? I knew that there was
deception or bribery in play, but how?

"Listen to my plan." The dark figure whispered something to my brother. My
brother went wide-eyed.

"Mrrrw, but that, I cannot do. It'ssss my family, my life,