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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectNyrka's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=6183&mesg_id=6196
6196, Nyrka's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

The Death of A Schlade
Added Sat Feb 12 15:06:23 2005 at level 11:

I waited, hidden, at the felar villa for the Imperial Army. We knew that we
were to be crushed, but freedom was worth that cost. The Schlade would never
stand to be enslaved willingly.So we waited for the impeding doom, the
inevitable death. Freedom we fought for, just as our ancestors did. We
cannot shame their sacrifices. We cannot willingly subjugate ourselves to
their rule. Years had past since the revolt began, and we knew that this was
our last stance. Kill or be killed, or worse, enslaved. Naturally my father
took command. Thieves and rangers were to be hidden. He then ordered me to
go forward and watch the Imperial Army and report back to him. I did as I
was told.

The Imperial Army was five miles north of our villa, having a good time with
their ale. They were sure of their victory that they did not even attempt to
prepare. Duergars, dark elves, arials, humans, even half breed monstrosities
created the foul army. We were outnumbered ten to one.It will be
slaughter, but better to die a free felar than live as a slave. Then, at
the corner of my eye, I saw a felar walking with a tall dark elf. Bright
orange spots of fur covered him. It was one of the Schlade. But instead of
the white fur this felar once had, there was exposed pink skin.His build
was much more muscular than a normal felar. How can one of the Schlade be
walking so freely in this encampment? Memory came to me. A horrifying
thought came to me. Can this be my once forgotten brother? The similarities
were rather striking. But it can not be, can it? I had to investigate
further. I followed the dark elf and the felar to the edge of the
encampment. The two began to talk.

"Shurrik, I must leave you here for the time being. Our army will be moving
shortly, but for now, patrol this area." The drow said.

"Yessss, massssterrr" Shurrik answered.

"Good. Kill all intruders." The dark elf turned around and walked off,
leaving the felar by himself. It was my brother, yet it was not. My
brother, a Schlade, had succumb to magic, enslaved to a dark elf mage. A
betrayer, he was to fight against his own family. This can not be true.
There has to be some conscious under that harden disposition. I debated with
myself, not sure of what I should do. Perhaps reason will speak to him. I
decided to risk the ultimate betrayal. I stepped out from my cover.

"Brrrotherrr, it isss yourrrr ssssisssterrr, mrrrw!" I cried. He turned
around.His yellow eyes glared at me, unblinking. "Do you not rrrrremmberrr
me, mrrrw?" Still, the eyes did not blink. Instead, a soft growl was heard.

"You arrre an intrrrruderrr, mrrrw!" The savage cat hissed. He clutched his
sword and charged straight at me. I did the only thing I could do: dodge.
He ran straight past me and almost tripped. He turned to face me.

"Sssshurrrrik, rrrremberrrr yourrrrssself!" But the fallen felar would not
listen.He turned around, but this time fury emanated from his body. This
creature was not used to missing his prey.

"You have intrrruded. You mussst die, mrrw!" Shurrik hissed as I backed away.

"Brrrotherrr, do not do thisss, mrrrw! You can come back. Fight with yourrr
people, mrrrw!" He stepped forward with anger flowing through his veins. It
was useless. Nothing I