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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectZah's Role Chapter 7
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=61653&mesg_id=61681
61681, Zah's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

The Thirst
Added Sat Nov 4 02:36:26 2017 at level 51:

Many years have passed since Zah first left the Ancient Village and in that
time he has grown strong. Now a Champion of the Battlefield, the highest rank
one can acquire within the Warrior's guild and Battlerager Berserker, the
name Zah is known and feared throughout the lands.

Upon joining the Village Zah was forewarned of the awe-inspiring power known
as the Bloodthirst. It granted the wielder enormous strength but came at
great risk.

Initially, Zah was afraid of the power, afraid of losing control. As time
went on however, he gradually learned to how best to use it, to control its
release and its strength. More and more Zah called upon the Bloodthirst, and
before him fell more and more magi skulls.

Soon the Thirst began to call to Zah. The strength, the rush, the sheer
destructive power it provided was intoxicating. Zah found himself looking for
opportunities to call upon it, to succumb to its embrace. Which is exactly
how Zah found himself in Galadon.

The Mummy Cerybis lurked the lands, and as Provost Magistrate, it was never
hard to find. Stepping through the eastern gates, Zah felt a tremor of
excitement flow through his body, the anticipation of calling the Thirst.

Suddenly the world spins, Zah's stomach lurches and he finds himself no
longer at the eastern gates. Instead the Mummy has summoned him deep into the
western battlements.


The cry erupts from all around Zah. Glancing around, Zah finds himself
completely surrounded. Numerous guards, a pair of lieutenants, an army of
undead and the abomination itself: Cerybis.

Zah calls upon the Bloodthrist, surrenders to it completely, and a cross
between a moan and grunt escapes his lips, as he shudders in ecstasy. The
moment passes quickly and Zah lets out his ferocious warcry, the Cry of
Thunder adding to his high.


Within a heartbeat the enormous giant transforms into a whirling mass of
death. His flails blur at inhuman speeds, smashing through the ranks that
surround him. The battlements quickly turn red as both Zah's blood and his
victims cover its floors and walls. The sight of this blood only inspires
Zah, as he continues his bloody march through the battlements. Living and
unliving fall before him, until all that remains is Cerybis himself. Lashing
out at his feet, Zah pulls the Mummy to the ground. Looming over the fallen
Provost, Zah swings his flail on final time, delivering a blow of deadly
force and caving the Mummy's rotten face inwards.

As suddenly as it began, the Thirst leaves Zah and he tumbles to the ground.
Grievously wounded and near death, Zah grunts in pain. But it is not the
physical wounds that hurt him, it is the desire, no, the need to call upon
the Thrist again that truly pains him.