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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectFethelera's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=57471&mesg_id=57491
57491, Fethelera's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Chance? Or something more?
Added Thu Mar 16 00:37:02 2017 at level 27:

Odd things are to be expected from time to time. That is the nature of life.
Fethelera has no doubt her spirit lies with Whisydan, but if there were to
to be a doubt, to be a weakest part of her faith, it was always a distinct lack of
exceptional appearances of the number 13 in her life. Indeed, once she came to realize
her passion would lead her to Whiysdan, she began looking for such seeming coincidences.
She almost tried to will it to happen. To no avail of course. But as with many
things, once you stop trying so hard, it happens. And so it was. Coincidence? Chance?
Who will know. But the thirteenth meeting with Oxias, the village commander, was the one
where she was inducted and built her hut. And how did she earn that hut? She slew
a mage. It was a quick fight. But it was their SECOND fight in mere hours, and together
there were thirteen blows in those fights, bringing the mage down in the end. And finally,
perhaps most important, it was after her thirteenth visit to the shrine that
she first received word from the lord. Of course, all this means is that there are
likely thirteen more "coincidences" to come, but she knows to simply continue enjoying
her life, fulfiling her goals, and letting them occur.

In honor of this though, and in gratitude for his writing, she spent quite a long time
devising and putting together a gift she thinks suitable. They share a love of ales and
beers and the like. And she suspect he would enjoy a bit of delayed satisfaction.
And finally she thinks he would appreciate a bit of chaos at the end, so show a bit
of whimsy in their shared passion. So...

She created what she calls a "nesting knapsack". Open the first knapsack and there you
find a beer or ale. And another knapsack. Take out that second knapsack and inside it you
find... a different ale or beer, and another knapsack. There are 13 such knapsacks, each
one inside the other, each with a different beer or ale from all over thera. Until!
The final, 13th knapsack, contains a vodka martini from the bar above the ruins.
Something different at the end, the tip of the hat to her embracing chaos with her passion.
(Note: If I'd realized how difficult it was going to be logistically, I'd have come up
up with something else!) :)

She visited the shrine and left her gift, with a note to the lord. She is optimistic
they will meet soon. It is uplifting to her to have spiritual fulfilment along with
the martial efforts she expends every day in the war against magic.