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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subject[SCARAB] Tsalantha Del'Anilienu the Fist of Darkness, Flame of the Scarab
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=55409&mesg_id=55409
55409, [SCARAB] Tsalantha Del'Anilienu the Fist of Darkness, Flame of the Scarab
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Tsalantha Del'Anilienu the Fist of Darkness, Flame of the Scarab


The dark-elf before you is gaunt, yet her hips betray her gender. Skin more
pallid than most of her kind, her lips are also pale, thin and bloodless.
Eyes that glow redder than the usual drow gaze at you unblinkingly from
beneath a fringe of dry grey hair. She does not share the beauty that her
people are famed for.

Only those reckless or brave would comment on this though, for she is
armed with a variety of light weapons and encased in armor of varying
materials. Their weight does not seem to bother her, and she moves with
assurance. A faint smell of cloves and myrhh lingers about her, growing
or fading depending on her motions. Luxurious robes of black velvet
with slashes of red satin hang from her shoulders, making it difficult
to make out any detail as to her armor and supplies. The robes
themselves give the illusion of a living flame, at certain points,
as they move, and beneath the hood of the robes a scarab marked
on her brow pulses with blood.


Exp557300To Level26000SphereTruth
Age old, 623 years old (677 hours)
Hit Points1500Mana1602Movement1296
Carry #0/38Carry Weight0 lb 0 oz  