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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectEtarekoth's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=531&mesg_id=535
535, Etarekoth's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

The Work of Etarekoth.
Added Thu Feb 5 19:22:10 2004 at level 51:

*The cover of his ancient looking tome depicts a
*withered black rose. Three runes are inscribed
*upon the cover, and you recognize they are from
*the language of the dark-elves: Death, Destruction
*and Victory.

*As you flick through the pages, you note that the
*writing is at first neat and orderly, then begins
*to degenerate into inelligble scrawls in some sort
*of rune-based language you are not familiar with.

*By observing the frequeny of the runes used, you are
*able to decipher some text from the latter passages.

Dying, the deliverance of Death, is an art. As a
painter may paint a portrait, a singer would compose
a ballad, one who embraces the concept of Death will
express himself through the dealing of it. Like all
arts, each artist will express himself in a different way,
using a different style, a different stroke, though the end
result is always the same. Those who follow this path
recognize that Death is the one true constant in Thera...

...As gods and mortals alike have the impulse to create, so
do they have an impulse to tear down such creations. Those
who embrace the path of Destruction are the purest of the
Death God's disciples...

...As I look into the eyes of my prey, my blade through her heart,
and watch the last drops of life seeping from her, I feel more
alive than I ever have, exhiliration unimaginable as a I undo the
creation of the Gods with one swift strike...

...Victory is a state of mind, a way of seeing the world, and
ones purpose within it. As a scion, the knowledge that the
coming of the Last Sunset is inevitable has sustained me. When
one loses such a state of mind, they become as a cancerous tumour,
which must be cut from the body, that it might not corrupt the pure...