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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectHedda's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=5077&mesg_id=5088
5088, Hedda's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

The keeper of faith.
Added Sat Nov 27 09:46:22 2004 at level 40:

Several years have gone by since i took my place among the chosen few, the Scions. It has been a time
of war more than anything else. My personal feud with the Spire seemed like a neverending circle, and
to fill the Spire with corpses of dead magistrates did not make things better. So i tried to end the
war and now on the third attempt it seems to have worked. I do believe the Spire became stronger and better
able to serve order in Thera due to my efforts. At least i helped to weed out a few corrupt and incompetent
lawmen. I do hope the peace lasts.
My ally from my youth has become the High Priest of the Empire. I once told him that i would accept his
offer of marriage if he held a position of power, but much has happened since that time. I do not think
he is to forgiving of my so called crimes against his Empire. Time will show what happens between us. I
might have to bury him alongside the other imperials.
I have accumulated much knowledge throughout my years on the surface. Some of it i have shared with
my allies in the chasm. I do think it has given me the necessary respect to survive amongst them.
I shall soon make my way to the pinnacle of my guild and allies are needed for that.
As soon as that is done i shall return to Aran Gird. I have not decided what i shall do there. I will
go back there with an open mind and do whatever i feel is needed.
Praised be Lord Arvam for the strength and guidance he has given me.