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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectZhenyen's Role Chapter 16
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=49682&mesg_id=49720
49720, Zhenyen's Role Chapter 16
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 16

The end of a era.
Added Thu Jan 2 16:03:11 2014 at level 51:

Scribbled on a scrap of paper trapped
in an extradimensional pocket you find
a few curious notes in a handwriting
that could only belong to the sorcerer

- Ortus keeps talking about a
sacrifice, a necromancer and a ritual.

- .. also mentions that the Portal will
control absolute egress into Thera.
What does this mean for the Scions?

- We are missing the last lock, perhaps
we will construct it. Ortus refers to
the last necromancer as a applicable
option in our endevour. Groakus may not
survive, but we must complete the lock.

- The Imp indicates it has no interest
in our direct goings on, only that they
have interesting results. Typical,
though reassuring knowing he is not
directly meddling in our affairs, at
least not openly.

- So I have been offered an opportunity
to prove worthy of the title of the
Flame of the Father. Long have I
considered the opportunities the Temple
might provide.

- ...an offer I have accepted. This
will convene perfectly with the
completion of my research. The Ccul'Gra
will no longer have access to our
plane, and I will spread destruction to
the Profane, who are unable to accept
the truth.

-I expect some of the Scholars to scorn
me. Though they never understood our
true purpose anyway. Ignorant of the
dangers the Ccul'gra represented and
the lies they proffered in exchange for
fractions of their power.

-In light of reading the Fathers words
in detail, it has become clearer now as
to why the Empire bothers me so.
Submitting to the will of others,
forestalling their own. They too I
understand must be purified.