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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectMirozah's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=48310&mesg_id=48334
48334, Mirozah's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Children in the Dark.
Added Wed Nov 13 08:54:09 2013 at level 25:

It's almost too easy, Mirozah thought to herself. These Therans
trust so quickly, and believe anything which leaves your lips.

Like children, they are so easy to control; But they do make
wonderful slaves. Orcs, Imperials, Warders, Tribunal, Nexites..
They all flock to me, grasping at my power like children grasping for candy.

They do not understand what real power is, they do not see the darkness
beyond their simple understanding of it. They cannot feel the power
beneath it. And so they cower from the night, huddled together in fear,
their solidarity against their own ignorance is merely amusing.

Mirozah did meet one whom seemed to call forth the shadows. A minotaur
Shaman. At his side a creature of the dark to do his bidding. Mirozah
was amused by his constantly conflict with those whom could so easily
be made to serve him.

He brought forth the shadows too soon. Too eager to grasp at it's secrets.
It would have been so delightful to watch the bull develop the betrayal further.
How enjoyable it would have been to tear their souls asunder from within.
To so easily manipulate them into his will, and cast them aside in a single motion.

Yes. What a wonderful ploy to observe and command from the darkness,
the unseen mistress of the world. And then, to bring forth the night.