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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectArratok's Role Chapter 12
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=45365&mesg_id=45399
45399, Arratok's Role Chapter 12
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 12

Rocks on the river bottom...
Added Mon Nov 26 21:07:42 2012 at level 26:

The world expands in all directions, or perhaps it doesnt, its impossible
to tell. There is a crushing haunting feeling in this black expanse, and the
silence is eerie. Something inside you compels you to continue forward. Each
step requires a strange amount of effort, like struggling in quicksand, the
murky abyss of nothingness swallows your movement and you wonder if you are
walking in place or actually getting anywhere at all. While so much is
unclear, one thing is crystal, the cold. It has cut right through you,
completely soaking you to the very core and devouring feeling like an
insatiable beast. If you could see anything, you would most certainly be able
to see your breath, crystals of frozen moisture spilling out with each
exhale, wafting forward in plumes of frost. In the sickening silence however
you quickly realized a disturbing fact. You were not breathing at all.
Constricting spasms rake across your chest and your eyes go wide.
Instinctively you become a fish out of water, your mouth parting in sweeping
gulps and closing desperately, but there is no relief. Bulging eyes and
flailing arms, what is this hell you suffer.
As the devils hands squeezed tighter around your throat flashes of your past
swirl before your eyes. Gemmas smile, the thick air of the tunnels, Bogrok
the betrayer, laughter from Gem, your fathers boot heels in your gut, the
smell of fire, the flash of heat, the screams, the terrible screams. Dropping
to your knees the flashes violently stream through your mind like a horrific
picture show. You throw your head back and howl one last furious bellow of
anguish, but not a sound comes out...

Suddenly there is a booming grumble within your mind. A gruff growling voice
that seems to tug at your very existence, words ringing loud and clear with a
baritone hum that vibrates your sternum.