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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectArratok's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=45365&mesg_id=45390
45390, Arratok's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The Stones of fate start to tumble...
Added Mon Nov 26 19:45:54 2012 at level 26:

Blackness seeps into your mind, stale air and the stink of the earth fills
your lungs and nostril. Blinking you try to strain your eyes and gain some
vision in this darkness. A soft wet drip is constantly echoing all about you,
but suddenly you hear something quite close to you on your right. You can
start to make out shapes as the harsh whisper fires again cold and curt.
"SHHHHHHH", "Gemma don mek noise thay er comin' dis way." Your heart sinks,
something in the way that it was spoken. The words hang in the air like a
boulder, slowly rolling on its axis with the trebuchet barely noticeable in
the distance. This is death itself lingering lazily in the air.The shapes
become a bit clearer still and you can see the outlines squeezing themselves
into at pitted wall of the cave. It is only now that you realize in the
shifting darkness, three lumbering shadows start to close from the west.
There harsh hunkered lines, the foul odor of rotting that chokes the already
thick air, the hissing pant that slurps through the wet poison breath.
Instincts fire in your mind, RUN, but the audible sniffing of their searching
stones your legs. Your bowels loosen tumbling over themselves and bile fills
the back of your throat. There is a subtle movement from the hiding spot,
then a clatter of rock upon rock in the distance. Echoing like thunder it
rattles down the tunnels in and out reverberating in waves from everywhere
and nowhere. The blood curdling shriek the follows turns your hair on end and
sends icy rivers down your spine. Two more cries shatter the steady rhythm of
the echoes and the clamor is nearly more than you can withstand. With
unprecedented speed the three cavefishers tear down the tunnels in the
direction of the initial sound. His voice cuts the ocean of air again hurried
and nervous "GEMMA comah now yah, weh must... come out a dere." "Gemma wha
ayre doing? COME NAW!! "URRY!!" A soft raspy response rattles back "Arri...
I... I found it... I... It... ooowwww..." As the gentle moan fades, there is
a soft wet coughing sound and the unmistakable wet slap of flesh hitting
stone. Sheer panic seeps through the guttural tone "GEEMMAAAA!"