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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAster's Role Chapter 7
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=45059&mesg_id=45084
45084, Aster's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

A Defining Moment
Added Sun May 26 23:31:56 2013 at level 51:

The war rages on and I've fallen many times to the wicked. So much violence
wrought around me and here I am in the thick of it. Having forsaken the use
of weapons, I find myself struggling to see what point there is in my chosen
path. What use there is to stand as a being of peace in a land consumed by

Grejjyan and Grunthuk fought Arratok as I woke from slumber. The battle waged
near the Fortress and I went to assist, to ensure it did not continue into
our halls. As they struck down the Commander, they spoke of his anger. Anger
they said, was common amongst "barbarians." The Squire and Scribe said he
would likely come soon, to assault our home.

In curiosity I asked that Arratok speak with me and in the meantime set a
snare to catch him in case he did indeed come. We spoke a moment, but only
so, before he stumbled into my snares. At first I thought it may be best I
notify the others. Allow him to be stricken down again to protect the
Fortress. However, I decided to try a different path. I told Arratok I would
free him, to see my empty hands, my lack of weapons, and know that I am a
being of peace. That he could surely destroy me if he tried, but to stay his
hand and listen for a while.

To my surprise he abided by the terms when I freed him. We began to speak...
of what caused his anger. Why he was driven to strike there. Once again, we
did not get far. Noviask, the Imperial magician summoned me away and used his
magic to force me asleep. Desperation seeped in. Yet again I would fall,
certainly. His dark spells rained upon me. What should I do? Call for aid and
have Arratok caught in the crossfire? No, let Noviask kill me. A small price
to pay to show Arratok the truth of my words.

Then the moment happened. All became clear in a single few seconds. Arratok
came and drove Noviask away. He rescued me before I could be wiped out. When
he saw my bleeding wounds he lent his aid with the healing arts of the
village to help staunch it. Arratok. A duergar burdened heavily by sin and
commander of perhaps the most violent organization upon Thera, had saved my

Through the teachings of the Kara Chal, two beings of the dark were turned
upon each other and one made to peform an act of charity. A moment and lesson
I will carry with me. Validation that my devotion to the Kara Chal is not in