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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAster's Role Chapter 5
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=45059&mesg_id=45082
45082, Aster's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

Inner Thoughts (Update)
Added Sat May 18 02:37:54 2013 at level 35:

Though I did not set out to become a member of Captain Neltouda's crew, I
find myself advanced to the rank of Deckhand. She speaks with great wisdom
and though she accepts the dark hearted amongst her crew, her words set me to
course perhaps better than the most experienced helmsman. Above all it is
comforting to note that there is a divine being who sees all Therans as
connected to one another. Through spirit no less, as do I.

Khonso did not seem to know from who his prophecies came. When I told him the
story of the Lady Voralia, he seemed very excited. Some more research to be
done, to help him if I can. Discover what duty it is fate has laid upon him.

Keara is a good soul and I do hope she pledges to the Fortress to become a
scribe as she spoke. She also held great interest in the Captain. Perhaps I
can guide her to the crew and with the Captain's blessing lead her upon a
similar path as myself.

Varkjen is of great inspiration. Never a word of complaint have I heard from
him, despite carrying the greatest burden one could carry. That of the Maran.
A powerful fighter to boot! I will watch over him as best I can and ensure he
does not succumb to the trials of bloodshed.

I've obtained copies of the Maran Kal and the Kara'Chal. I intend to carry
these with me and share the inspiring words held within. I believe some of
this knowledge has faded with time and to let it become forgotten would be a
great dishonor to the Fortress. Knowing now that the words originate from an
ancient arial language, I will as well seek translations for other words and
phrases I can find pertaining to the Maran or the Fortress.

That said, reading the Kara'Chal has awakened some sadness within me. I set
out to be a man of peace, avoiding violence as much as I could. Yet the
constant war that rages has pulled me in time and time again. I must make
better efforts to avoid bloodshed where I can, perhaps I will even attempt to
live by the Way. Using only my hands when forced to fight. Surely there is no
better way to fully understand my potential to be a healing light, both
physically and spiritually.