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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAster's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=45059&mesg_id=45079
45079, Aster's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

Backstory Chapter 1
Added Thu May 9 12:30:25 2013 at level 1:

Aster was born to a pair of wealthy retired merchants. Their lifestyle was
lavish and carefree. As such, they spent little time with Aster and much of
his upbringing was done by various midwifes and nannies. He never really got
to know his parents. Never having anyone to rely on caused Aster to become
rather withdrawn, but taught him to be self-reliant. Roaming around in the
gardens of his parents' home and the wilderness nearby often settled his
nerves and he always felt at peace in such places. He didn't understand the
allure of the lifestyle his parents led, when so much peace could be had just
lying naked in the grass underneath the sun.

During a particularly raucus party, Aster sat in the garden beneath the
stars. Seemingly out of nowhere a pair of halflings plopped down beside him,
also naked. They laughed and giggled as they smoked their little halfling
pipes. Aster ignored them, but his interest was certainly piqued. A few
moments later a gnome joined them as well. They all invited Aster to join
them and share their pipe. The night drew long and slow, seemingly as if an
eternity. In quiet tones the group discussed the stars, the moon, the seas,
nature, and on to spirituality. Aster was in awe at the absolute peace of the

Late the next afternoon, Aster found himself waking to a mess. The party had
spilled over into the garden around him. Bushes were destroyed, flowers
trampled, and the fountain was full of bodily fluids. With disgust he got up
and began moving towards his living quarters. As he moved he began to feel
ill at ease. When he looked around he noticed something odd. Faint red glows
seemed to be coming from much of the party's attendents, including his
parents. He didn't know it, but this was the beginning of his learning to
empathicly sense the personal aura of others. By the time the sun was setting,
he was packed and ready to go. To the Shire he thought, to learn more of his
friendly, wise little companions.