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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAulrathdien's Role Chapter 9
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=44166&mesg_id=44197
44197, Aulrathdien's Role Chapter 9
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 9

Lone Knight
Added Thu Jun 14 11:21:03 2012 at level 21:

Slowly his fighting skill returned. He crawled back from the abyss of atrophy
that his long imprisonment had thrust him into. He trained with almost every
kind of weapon or combat technique he could, no matter how limited or irrelevant
to swordfighting.

During this time he worked exclusively alone. He was still distrustful of most
others, and he did not think any would-be companion would be patient with his
obsession with mastering obscure fighting techniques. Over time, he started to
think that it might suit him well to do the same indefinitely. Aulrathdien knew
that for reasons of honor or due to the demands of a code of parity or courage
of some kind, some legendary heroes had chosen to train ever in solitude, never
accepting companions to ease their burden. He was pleased with the results of
this method so far and decided to continue it for now. Although not his original
motivation he may come to decide this notion fits with his personal code of
honor as well.

Once satisfied that his general combat ability had returned to an acceptable
level once again, Aulrathdien dedicated himself to achieving a greater mastery
of swords. What other weapon could it be for a student of the ancient Bladesong?