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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectTreyliu's Role Chapter 8
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=42512&mesg_id=42541
42541, Treyliu's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

Treyliu's Journal Entry: Strange Dreams
Added Thu Sep 20 13:19:46 2012 at level 51:

Two strange dreams have been reoccurring every time I sleep, utterly
impossible to ignore. At first I thought little of them. Yet over time these
dreams have grown more lucid and frequent. I believe they are somehow related
to my destiny.

The first entails a small dragon. I stand amidst the gory battlefield which I
have seen as my destiny, looking out at the landscape of carnage. I feel no
fear or pain, no regrets or concerns, simply a sense of calmness and
curiosity. I kneel down to examine a nearby corpse and can make out no clear
face, as if my eyes were unable to focus properly. Suddenly, a small dragon
crawls from beneath the body, flies into the air, and lands in my hand. At
first I am startled. I stand there as its tail wraps around my arm and I
realize that this this is connected to me in some special way, as I imagine a
conjurer might feel connected with a familiar. I remember my explorations
with Iklahn and I think that perhaps I must somehow pursue that dragon
beneath the Sea. How one becomes worthy of such, I have no idea. But I shall
attempt to find out.

The second dream entails the couriers. I stand within the Rift below the
Island, the couriers flashing in and out of sight chaotically all around me.
I hold a large sack endlessly full of all kinds of mysterious glowing magical
items. And the couriers come to me repeatedly, without end, reaching out as
if they were starving, taking everything I can give as the Veil crackles with
power. I keep handing over these things, one by one, and I sense the Veil
growing thinner than I have ever felt before. And then suddenly the world is
consumed by a bright flash of light. I feel nothing for a brief period and
then I am standing again in the midst of the gory battlefield again, alone.
Sometimes this cycles into the first dream again.

I have spoken about my fate with Lord Fjarn. He hints at further
hardships to come, the many challenges of deciphering the mysteries of one's
fate. A thing to be pursued, actions to be prevented--the end that in
inevitable, or a terrible fate to be avoided?

I have my suspicions and in time I would hope their meaning shall become more
clear. As the winds would have it, so it shall be.