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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectKuryaelin's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=41984&mesg_id=42002
42002, Kuryaelin's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

Added Tue Jun 19 20:06:50 2012 at level 15:

When Kury was able to finally look up, it was into the dead eyes of one of
what he assumed was the drunks. Shuddering at the scene beyond, Kury nearly
wretched his lunch. The three warriors looked to have been butchered, caught
off guard as they were. "You, boy, will never speak of this. You will not
even think of this, because if you do I will bury you. Our guild does not
tolerate those that make trouble for the guild, and having those accursed
Blood Tribunals meddling with our affairs over these corpses."
It was a scant few months later that Kury began working to be able to pay his
dues to join this shadowy guild which valued trickery, sublety, and cunning.
It was years later that Kury moved to Arkham to study in the east with the
assassins guildmaster. He woke early every day, straining against the trials
that the guildmaster set. Training his body, Kury worked to learn the weapons
and skills of the guild to be able to work so effectively against those
trained in the art of war. Learning to use the loud distractions of everyday
life, the shadows of the night, and impersonating those of other professions
to infiltrate into the lives of those Kury was practicing the trade on became
his life. Always thinking of his grandfather's wordsm, he puzzled away at the
way of the world. One day, he brought the question to the Guildmaster in
Arkham. "Master, I have often questioned what it is to be one of those
light-blinded paladins always protecting, always helping those in need. I
have also wondered what it is to be one of those blood-oathed or even that
lot that work to resurrect the dead for their own means. My grandfather told
me to puzzle out the meaning of the necessity of all these and I think I
have. When the light has the power, a presumed peace pervades the land for a
time. Then evil rises up in secret and overtakes the land. People suffer in
the land, and those goodly types are not strong enough to fight them off for
a long time. Without the constant struggle, a balance, the land is torn apart
by the ebb and flow of each being more powerful in turn. I think I finally
understand the puzzle. Both sides need to have overt bastions in the land to
draw out those who follow either side, and it is in our best interest to
determine how to keep those sides in check. With my trade, I am suited to the
task I think." The guildmaster shrugged. "I took this route because I was
born into it. It is in my blood to fight, and it is in my blood to use the
best tactics to do it. I could never stomach the charge, dueling, or the
insanity of hoping magic would sway the conflict. You decide what is best for
you." With that, the conversation was over. Deep down, Kury knew that his
conclusion was right. A knife in the dark to keep the balance, for all those
who made up the bulk of Thera.