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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectVasliin's Role Chapter 8
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=41508&mesg_id=41534
41534, Vasliin's Role Chapter 8
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 8

Graduation Day Lesson
Added Fri Jul 20 01:05:42 2012 at level 1:

A few more years go by and Doc has grown to be a young man, ready to face the
world. He makes his way from the orphanage to Thrym's school for his last
lesson before he graduates. As he is making his way down the road a group of
men in dark robes are walking in front of him. Thrym sees them as he walks
out of his home and lets loose a scream in anger, "Cry Havoc and let loose
the Dogs of War!." He is quickly beset by the men, one throwing fire,
another that has shed his clothes and has turned into a tiger. Thrym is
sorely pressed and Doc screams as he watches his teacher being torn apart.
With a shout of anger he gathers up a staff and jumps into the fray as
another figure in black joins against them. He roars in pain as his leg is
burnt but he quickly puts down the man throwing fire with a quick succession
of rapid strikes with his staff. As the mage falls the other two men flee
the scene. Doc growls and notices Thrym is down on one knee with his famous
sword propping him up. He is clearly hurt bad and Doc helps him limp inside
the school. "Who was that teacher?" Doc asks. "Kid, yer can call me Thrym
now, yer grown up, and yer made mer proud. They were mages kid, and wha yer
just saw was tha problem with this world. They don care who they hurt fer
their power, and they ain got no right ter be usin it."Doc continues to
work on Thrym with bandages and some poultices he has found in the office.
"It isn't the best job as I dont know how to do it properly yet, but it
should help." "Yer did good kid, not ta worry, ah've had worse. Ah think yer
kno all ah can tell yer fer now kid, its time fer yer ta go and live yer
life." "Ok Thrym" Doc says with a smile as he hugs his grumbling teacher. As
he turns to go Doc looks back at Thrym and says "Oh, and by the way, you can
call me Doc." Thrym laughs a hearty laugh as Doc makes his way out of the
school for the last time as his student.