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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectVasliin's Role Chapter 4
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=41508&mesg_id=41530
41530, Vasliin's Role Chapter 4
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 4

The "Doc" Is In
Added Fri Jul 20 00:44:56 2012 at level 1:

Years go by and we find our svirfneblin child playing with other boys and
girls of the orphanage.He is quite a bit smaller than them and seems to get
knocked around a good bit. In one particular game we notice that the boys
are being rather mean to him and are literally trying to toss him about. He
objects but there is little he can do. On ones of the tosses the catcher
fails to grab him and he falls heavily to the dirt. He wails in pain and the
boys scatter as Jaragh comes hustling to the scene. He kneels down and says
"Vasliin, what happened this time?" The boy wont answer however and just
stays quiet. Jaragh smiles at him and says "You are too noble and proud for
your own good sometimes, lets go the infirmary." As they arrive at the
infirmary the teacher on duty lights up as she sees Vasliin and gives him a
big hug. "Hows my favorite patient? Scrapped up a bit again I see! Well,
lets get some bandages and fix you right up." The boy smiles at her and
Jaragh pats him on the head as he leaves. "Can I tend it this time?" he
asks. "Sure Doc, you can take care of it" the nurse says. Within moments
the healing salve has been applied and the bandage is nearly perfectly
wrapped. The nurse checks him out and sends him on his way with a hug and a
kiss on the forehead.

The boys dont play rough with him again that day, but after awhile another
child is screaming in pain. Vasliin is the first one on the scene and
quickly asks what happened. The girls were playing a game of ring around the
Rosie and one of them tripped on a rock. Her knee is scuffed up. Vasliin
asks for someone to get him some water from the fountain and once it arrives,
he sees to her injury. He cleans it out and gives it a kiss to make her feel
better. The little girl thanks him and he smiles at the compliment. The
bell rings for classes to begin and the children make their way into the
orphanage. As Vasliin approaches Jaragh pulls him aside with a stern look on
his face. Vasliin is concerned with the look until Jaragh laughs and pats
him on the back. "I saw what you did for that little girl, Vasliin
natural with her and with those bandages. I am concerned though because this
world is a rough place to grow up in." Vasliin looks at Jaragh
questioningly. "You need to learn how to defend yourself and so Ive asked a
friend of mine to teach you a few days a week for now. His name is Thrym and
he is a sour old goat, but he is the best fighter I have ever known, and he
knows a thing or two about being skilled with a bandage. You start with him
tomorrow." Vasliin thanks Jaragh with a hug and departs for class.