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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectVasliin's Role Chapter 2
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=41508&mesg_id=41528
41528, Vasliin's Role Chapter 2
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 2

A Child Pays (part 1)
Added Fri Jul 20 00:40:00 2012 at level 1:

Nine months pass and our svirfneblin whore is large in belly with the weight
and size of her pregnancy. The johns dont even bother to look at her
anymore and she has to beg for money for food. As night comes over the
desert city an ominous dark cloud creeps closer to the city. An hour goes by
and with it comes flashes of lightning and peels of thunder. Rain pours down
upon the normally dry city and the whore is forced to seek shelter in the
only place that will accept her. The missionary women do their best to calm
her and feed her some food, but before long the contractions start. The kind
women boil water and prepare fresh linens for the delivery and a local doctor
is called in to oversee the birth. All through the labor the whore curses
the man she did not know for a fool and curses the gods for her fate. The
women try their best to keep her calm and say prayers to counter her curses,
but the pain does not relent until finally the child is born. He is
unusually sized for a svirfneblin child, but you believe that must be the
small element of human DNA he must have received. The woman does not bother
to name the child, but the women who cared for her are wonderful with him as
his mother recovers under their care. Two weeks later she is strong enough
to go out on her own. They send her off with a few silver coins and plead
with her to leave her former life.

As the whore makes her way back to the city center she goes immediately to
the local grocer and buys a reed basket, she then makes her way to the tailor
and purchases some scraps of materials. The whore takes her child and walks
to the park where she begins to make a comfortable bed to lay him in. As the
baby sleeps the whore curls up on the grass next to the basket and cries for
hours until darkness finally comes over the city and the soldiers begin
lighting the lamps in the streets. The woman stands and runs with the basket
under her arm, desperate to reach the gates before they close for the night.
Darkness conceals her movement as she walks north out of Hamsah and through
the village of Balator. Her trek takes her to the front door of a building
that has been closed for the evening. The woman takes a note from her pocket
that she had written earlier in the day in places it in the basket with her
child. The baby coos at her, but she pays it no mind and quickly wraps on
the door three times. Upon the third knock a candle is lit in the window
nearest the door. The woman quickly stops knocking and turns and runs into
the cemetery across the street. You see her hide behind a gravestone and
watch the basket.