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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectHagmish's Role Chapter 5
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=41143&mesg_id=41163
41163, Hagmish's Role Chapter 5
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 5

It All Came Back Part 3
Added Wed Jun 20 17:51:41 2012 at level 25:

In fact, the drow learned that what Mahasa discovered required a living, willing sacrifice and that the
lesser of the two apprentices was made part of the ritual to serve this purpose. This is the true reason
why the drow had hired and bound Hagmish.

The drow continued, I had my suspicions about the reason for Mahasas failure and as it turns out my
suspicions were well placed. The apprentice told me all he knew about the ritual Mahasa performed.
While he didnt know the specifics of Mahasas secret for producing negative energy, he told me that
the ritual was performed in a secret chamber, magically hidden and he told me the location. He also told
me that Mahasa kept a tome of all his knowledge, and it was with him during the ritual, which likely
exists even today. Finally, he told me about the becoming ritual. He told me which ingredients he was
tasked to gather to create the elixir and after much study I have determined that the fool so focused on
his own secrets overlooked an obvious clue and did not properly make the elixir! You and I will travel to
locate this secret chamber and Mahasas secrets kept within.

Several days later, the drow and duergar located the secret chamber. They found a large stone table,
that appeared to double as an altar, with a tome resting on top of it. The drow was so wrapped in his
excitement and lust for power that just as Mahasa, he overlooked the obvious, and didnt realize the
book was magically warded. When he tried to open and read the book it released a magical concussion
of energy that instantly killed the drow. Hagmish, being much farther back in the chamber, was blown
off of his feet and knocked unconscious and that was the last he could recall.

Now that he remembered everything that had occurred he realized that he still felt that weight around
his soul from when he was bound by the oath and he realized he had an uncontrollable desire to find
this magic. What Hagmish didnt realize was that the magic binding him to the drow was similar to the
magic that warded the tome and when the magic was released it caused a dramatic change in him. The
binding magic itself had been altered slightly so that he was no longer bound to the drow but still bound
to complete the task and discover the secrets that the tomes magic had guarded. The change was so
powerful that since both magics were dark, negative and necromantic in nature that even Hagmishs
personal sphere of influence was changed to necromancy.

Hagmishs head felt much clearer upon this rush of memory. And even though he felt much more lucid,
he still heard the voices talking to him that he thought were from the shadows and not just in his head.
With this new found memory and lucidity, Hagmish plotted with what he thought were his shadow
friends to escape. And escape he did.