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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectDjetmai's Role Chapter 6
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=40307&mesg_id=40331
40331, Djetmai's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Discussions with the Commander
Added Mon Mar 19 05:13:20 2012 at level 51:

Salyeris was, of course, stern in her insistence that the Lich would only
bring trouble, that no Villager would ever seek power from nor aid a Lich for
any reason, yet she also seemed to understand the value of this information.
Get this item, whatever it is, and take it to Thror, she had said.

Djetmai reflected on this, as he had known it was right. And yet he still
felt a nagging inside, as if the darkness of the Lich had crawled inside of
him with promises of immense power. Temptations which were difficult to
ignore, leaving him knowing what was the right action- to get this thing and
make sure that it does not make it to the hands of the Lich. Yet deep down he
knew not what he would do, for all his life he was not one to be predictable
or ever in full control of his desires.

He had not been able to lay eyes on the mummy and worried that his window of
opportunity would be short. Preparing for a rest, he was alerted to the
presence of the Meter of Mind in Akan and rushed to make a stealthy strike.
In approaching the mountains, he was detected and an epic battle ensued. His
raged boiled over like never before, having fallen to the manticore so many
times and knowing another death to the thing was unacceptable. And so on this
day, fighting a creature of shifting forms and fueled by the rage of his
internal war, he nearly killed the thing as it flew off only breaths away
from death, leaving Djetmai raging against the dwarves in his way. While the
Meter did not fall in death, the victory was very real for Djetmai. After so
many hardships, so many lost battles, he felt that he had become a true

As his bloodthirst subsided, he realized that he had grown to a new level of
skill and strength. That he needed no magic, nor the promised powers of a
Lich- that he would do what was right and that we would reflect the strength
of his father, of Akedeh, of Salyeris, and of the Village. Should he find
this mummy, should he acquire this orb, he now knew in his heart what he
would do. Even if it meant the gates of hell would open and an army of
darkness would descend upon him- he would seek out Lord Hammersong.