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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectJastyna's Role Chapter 7
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=39490&mesg_id=39517
39517, Jastyna's Role Chapter 7
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 7

Village Years
Added Tue Feb 7 17:28:33 2012 at level 50:

The day Jastyna left her father on the mountain is such a distant memory to her that it now seems more
like a half remembered dream than the reality it was. Time passes and things change. Jastyna has found
a new family in the Village of Battleragers, and a family they certainly act like sometimes. Often, she
finds herself musing inwardly at how testy some of the Villagers get with each other over the smallest
things. Like two siblings getting into a full blown bickering match over some underhanded, yet, relatively
meaningless comment. She supposed that it couldnt be avoided, though. These people were very
prideful and the limit of that pride didnt stop at the village gates. As for herself, Jastyna prefers to keep
her ire and scorn towards her enemies. It can be distracting and unproductive when villagers quarrel
amongst themselves and she prefers not to promote such uninspiring things.

Jastyna has worked diligently over the years to hone her craft as a bard. There is still much to learn but
she feels she has made significant strides. Soon the Rites of War will be held in the Village and Jastyna
hopes to compete in them as she feels the competition will be a good test in measuring the extent of
her prowess. Perhaps she will even have an influence on the outcome of the Rites.

Jastyna has been dutiful in her prayers to Iunna as she frequently visits the Ladys shrine to pray. She is
still unsure about much of the religion and does not know if she lives her life in accordance with its
doctrines. For the moment, she is OK with that. Someday she hopes she will receive more insight into
the religion. Her only real concern is that she has done something to put the deity off. When she was
quite young in the guild a necromancer tried to play her the fool by putting her to sleep and locking her
in a vault. When Jastyna awoke, the mage (which only enraged Jastyna further towards magi) taunted
her about how entertaining she was to him and that she should become a Herald as he was certain
Iunna would drool over such an entertaining bard. When Jastyna defiantly retorted that she hoped
Iunna did take a liking to her as she was born under her sign, she felt a swift smack in the back of the
head and felt the goddess presence. Certainly, there was lesson to be taken from the incident, such as
dont let magi make a fool of you, but, that had to be it. Truthfully, underneath all the embarrassment
Jastyna was happy that she felt the divine presence. Out of all the people in the world, the divine only
revealed themselves to a select few people and she felt lucky for it.