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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectJastyna's Role Chapter 3
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=39490&mesg_id=39513
39513, Jastyna's Role Chapter 3
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 3

The Foolish Uncle
Added Thu Jan 19 20:02:46 2012 at level 11:

Jastyna found her father perched on a ledge watching his younger brother, Azredo, lead a group of men
along a mountain trail to the carved caves and stone houses where the bulk of the Hightalons made
their homes. Dizra showed no emotion as he looked on, yet, Jastyna could feel the displeasure radiating
off her father like heat from a flame. Noticing her he said, Outsiders. Magicians at that. Azredo is a fool.
My guards reported to me that they overheard him bragging to these men about some of the items we
hold in our vaults. Hes never understood. My father saw it. It is why he never trusted him with anything.
Now, I fear hes gone and done something very foolish.

Two weeks had passed since the magi had arrived with Azredo. Azredo had seemed quite taken with
them and their magical prowess, nearly to the point where it seemed he had been bedazzled by them.
Dizra, on the other hand, did not care for the Outsiders. If it wasnt the magi trying to make a deal with
Dizra, which he always refused, it was Azredo begging him to open the vaults to trade with the men, for
the Flocks vaults contained some powerful items. Azredo apparently had bragged to the magi about the
contents of the vaults and now Dizra was left to suffer them, and his patience was wearing thin. It was
only because these men were there at Azredos invitation that he had suffered them this long.

Later that night, wind howled through the darkness of the night through the mountain passes outside of
the stone walled chambers of Dizras residence. The light from the various lanterns flickered dimly,
bouncing off the many occupants and throwing shadows this way and that. Once again, Dizra was face
to face with his brother and the magi trying to persuade him to trade their magic. Jastyna sat in the
corner, amused at her uncles foolishness and watching eagerly to see what would happen. Plainly her
father had had enough but Azredo was too blinded to see it.

But, your brother- one of the magi began to say before being cut off by Dizra.
Does not speak for Hightalon. I do not care what he has promised you. My brother is part of this family,
and I love him as a brother, but, he is a blathering idiot and you men are proving yourselves to be just as
big of fools by listening to him and trying my temper. Dizra said in a calm, yet domineering voice. He
may have been angry, but, he knew how to channel that anger into an intimidating and commanding
presence without needing to even raise his voice. You men have overstayed your welcome and spent
my patience. I want you gone before I am forced to forget the hospitality Ive shown you out of respect
for my idiot brother.

The magi who had been speaking turned his face into a menacing snarl and opened his mouth as if he
was going to throw out a threat, but, instead turned abruptly and left.