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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAzalix's Role Chapter 6
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=37142&mesg_id=37165
37165, Azalix's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Added Wed Oct 12 19:11:35 2011 at level 48:

We are in the command tent looking, Balize is looking over the map of the
frozen wastes thinking about the start of the campaign. We had marched
down the other side the past week and I remember never feeling this cold
in my life. Our encampment was set at a crossroads and the General
quickly spun and headed out of the tent for some fresh air. Dutifully I
followed, and we crossed south seeing smoke rise from a tower in the
distance. As he headed towards it we passed his skirmish group headed by
Varthalas, his elven commander. He was wearing a newly created pelt of
what looked to be leopard skin and as I slowed to admire it I saw the
rest of his soldiers training. Balize barely noticed me stop and only
stopped himself because he did not hear the beat of my wings. Only then
did he look back and see my mouth agape as I watched the soldiers train
in awe.

There movements were so fast as to deceive the eye and the General was
beside me once again before I could recover. With a quick nod he spoke.

You will see no giants here. Only elves, half-elves, and your kind,
arial. With the exception of Darthus. With his indication I looked at
the lone human keeping pace with the exercise. They will never have
strength on their side. For every hit they take from giant kind they
must return three. But if they return five.....

With that he smiles, nods curtly, and continues on his way.