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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAzalix's Role Chapter 1
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=37142&mesg_id=37160
37160, Azalix's Role Chapter 1
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 1

Added Sun Aug 28 14:01:22 2011 at level 9:

The chaos of battle was all around them. The general had already broken
his sword and his spear was stuck deep within the frost giant in front of
him. With a call for his axe and shield a young arial, no more than
fifteen, runs out and hands it to him. Knowing full well his purpose
was fulfilled he quickly backs up as the general puts his whirling axe to
deadly use. It was a brilliant ploy. Having his archers exit out the
woods a full thousand yards away from the main line looked like a
tactical mistake. One that the frost giant leader was quick to capitalize
on sending his cavalry straight at them giving General Balize no chance
to reinforce. But with the cunning those on his forces had come to
expect the archers quickly fired their two readied volleys and retreated
back into the woods. Now with Jumnarl's forces without their cavalry the
general attacked. Allowing the archers to pick off the cavalry as they
rode back to the main fight. Jumnarl called a retreat and as the rout was
pursued a cloud rolled over Balize and his troops. Quickly his soldiers
start to choke and wheeze and before an order can be issued three small
fiery dots streak toward the army. The explosion was massive, blowing
Balize back and decimating his troops. His squire runs to him, the
first to arrive, desperately trying to get him to his feet. Looking
around he watches helplessly as the three mages spin spells and lay waste
to the troops around him. Coughing blood and ash, he stumbles forward
trying to get to the magi but before he can the frost giant is upon him.
With a mighty sweep of his axe he disembowels the General. With a
triumphant cry he sweeps off into the chaos once more leaving the Balize
to die on the frozen battlefield.