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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectThrunna's Role Chapter 6
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=33848&mesg_id=33870
33870, Thrunna's Role Chapter 6
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 6

Grinning Skull Clan. More than just Orcs.
Added Wed Oct 20 12:30:51 2010 at level 45:

Looking around the village, Thrunna sees orcs doing what orcs do best, and
struggling with those things they are ill-suited for. In order to change
this she wants to change the perception of the village to one of
"opportunity" for the downtrodden (Boar Hunt). She then plans to go to the
other goblinoid and orckin races and attempt to bring them into the village
to serve.

(*Note) Since I am not very well versed in the fantasy history of the various
goblinoid races, I'm basing their roles in the Clan off of what I've seen
them do in CF.

Thrunna plans to go after the kobolds of the Kobold Warren, offering them a
safe haven in the Clan if they work the Warrens and Tunnels to expand them
for the growing numbers of the Clan. She will approach Rymgar of the goblins
of the Silverwood, and the Troll Commander of the Goblin Village to bring
goblins into the village to sneak and spy for the orc berserkers, and to raid
the dwarves of Akan for ore and minerals. She plans to bring the trolls of
Fhalaugash in (with the help of the Troll Commander) to be the Clan's brute
work force. (Are trolls really not an enslavable race?) The Bugbears of the
neighbouring caves she plans to link up with (through kobold tunnelling) to
bring in wild game, skins and hides for orcwears, and for bone armours and
weapons. There is no concentration of ogres that I'm aware of, but they are
already in the Clan doing various things (like at the gates) so no plan for
these. Finally, Thrunna plans to visit the gnolls of the Past Forest of
NoWhere and spread word that their people are destroyed in the future, and to
pass down legend of the Clan for the survivors to flock to from their hidden
caves and dens.Thrunna sees the gnolls as woodworkers who can help with a
current scheme.