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Forum Name The Premium Battlefield
Topic subjectAgeryn's Role Chapter 13
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=31&topic_id=30746&mesg_id=30779
30779, Ageryn's Role Chapter 13
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


Chapter 13

Added Fri May 14 22:48:45 2010 at level 51:

The Shadow Lord's blood still fresh on his blade, Ageryn receded back into
the shadows. But he was not alone. The Eye was there with him. Perhaps
it had always been there. In any case, it seemed emboldened by the blood
he had spilled. Truth be told, Ageryn had all but given up on his shadowy
visitor, having not heard a peep from it in more than a year's time. And
yet here it was again, as if no time had passed at all.

He was determined to press his case this time, and learn what it knew of
his sister. Previously the Eye had been reticent to name a price. This
time he would have one, even though he knew, somehow, it would be one he
could not pay. And he had his answer.

"Show me somewhere I haven't seen," said the Eye, always petulant. Was
that it? Was that all he must do to get what he wanted? This was a price
he could pay. Turning, Ageryn set off for one of the deepest, darkest,
most vile places he could think of. Perhaps that would appeal to this
foul thing. Before he could turn, though, suddenly it was -inside- him.
He could feel its alien presence worm its way into his mind, insinuating
itself into his eveyr thought. He was helpless to expel it.

The only thing, then, was to carry on. And so he set off for the
Underdark. Once there, of course, came the bait and switch. The Eye did
not merely wish to see this place, it wished to mark it. Why? He could
not say, but it seemed the sigil would make a pathway for it to enter his
world more easily. This, finally, was the price. And, as he had probably
always known, he must refuse it.